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민트양단과 블루컬러가 조화로운 상차림입니다.
색동배너에 첫돌 글씨가 돋보입니다.
액자 같이 넣어드려요, 4"x6" 아가사진 넣어주세요.
저는 6" 상차림으로 구성했어요,
집 테이블 사이즈에 맞춰 조율 가능하세요.
돌잡이 6개 선택해 주세요.
Meaning of each Items
Every table set include 6 doljabi items
Coin/Money : Blessing of wealth
Ma-pae(Status Badge) : Blessing of high status and respect
Stethoscope : Doctor
Gavel : Judge
Thousand-Character book : Scholar
Writing brush : Scholar
Blessing Pouches : Blessing of longevity, wealth and health
Thread : Blessing of longevity
Five color fabric : Blessing of dexterity
Pin cushion : Blessing of dexterity
Bow and arrow : Intrepidness
Soccer ball
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